REGISTER NOW in 4 easy steps.
- Download and print the registration form below
- Complete the registration form
- Pay the required amount into the Care for You Training Consultants bank account.
- Email with the proof of payment to Martinette at
Our Banking Details:
Care for You Training Consultants
First National Bank
Account no: 6273 5699 954
Branch code: 250053
Please note:
- Failure to submit this registration form at least two weeks prior to the training dates will result in the booking not being accepted.
- Full fees are payable upfront with registration, at least three weeks before the commencement date of the course.
- No part payment or installments will be considered. Should the full course fee not be deposited within this period, your provisional booking will be deemed null and void.
- Fees can be paid via direct bank deposit, electronic transfer or cash.
- No application form will be accepted and no bookings will be made unless proof of payment is attached thereto.
- All required documents must be attached to the registration form before it will be processed.